At OrthoSynetics, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with running a pediatric dental practice. Engaging young patients and their families requires creativity, empathy, and...
Establishing strong relationships with local pediatricians creates a referral pipeline that can significantly grow your practice. By providing value to pediatricians you position your practice as an i...
Make your pediatric dental office a touchdown for fun! Our football-themed picture search is the perfect way to keep young patients entertained while they wait for their appointments. With hidden foot...
Strengthen community ties and promote dental health with a "Dental Health Story Time" event. Partner with local libraries, daycares, or young grades to host a fun and educational gathering where a den...
Engaging young patients and their families requires creativity, empathy, and a deep understanding of their needs. We’re here to help you harness these elements to create an environment where patient...
A summer smile contest is a fun and effective way to boost patient engagement and gather fresh content for your dental or orthodontic practice. By inviting parents to share their children's bright smi...
A pediatric dentist-sponsored tooth fairy drawing contest can be a fun and engaging way to foster a positive dental experience in young patients. The contest can encourage creativity, spark imaginatio...
Pediatric dentists can use this fun event to engage patients and their parents with your practice. Parents of young children are often looking for educational, fun and free things to do with their chi...
Materials: PedoPoints prizes Specially designed PedoPoints Card Scanners and Software (est. cost: $350 per office location) Whether you are a current participant in the PedoBucks system or not, now ma...