What You'll Need: Educational Flyers/Posters Letter to School/Athletic Program with Sponsorship Offer Coupon for Free/Discounted Mouth Guard Press Release Fall is great time to remind young athletes o...
Materials: Local Chamber of Commerce Membership Elevator Speech Motivation to Create a Network Enthusiasm to Grow Your Practice Business Cards Networking is an effective way to help grow your practice...
Have your patients spread your name around town with the Hometown Smiles Contest! This contest takes place on Instagram and involves your patients wearing your practice t-shirt around town. The goal i...
February is Children's Dental Health Month and Pet Dental Health Month! What a great opportunity to celebrate and showcase a family of smiles! Place a poster in your office and on your Facebook wall l...
Fourth quarter provides an optimal time to remind patients about their Flex Spending accounts. Not only can this promotion be targeted to existing patients as a means to pay off their treatment, but...
Encourage patients to show how much they love their smile with an online smile feature contest. Patients can demonstrate love for their smile by posting photos, videos, performing songs, reciting poem...
Materials: Posters and Flyers Announcing the Contest High School Students with Great Smiles Prizes for the Contest Winners Contest Guidelines and Submission Date Website Announcement Email Blast Ins...
Materials: Pens Pencils Hand Sanitizer Magnets Bags Anything You Can Print Your Logo On Instructions: Having your logo printed on promotional items is a great way to spread awareness about your prac...
Materials: Cool T-shirt Design Promotional Posters Patients Ready to Smile and Wear Your Shirts! Is it the oldest trick in the book or the smartest marketing investment you can make? You make the ca...
Ingredients: "Mom's The Word" Contest Poster/Flyer "Mom's The Word" Website Announcement "Mom's The Word" Email Blast Flower Entry Form Entry Box Spa Gift Card Instructions: Help your patients show ap...
It's simple...happy patients who feel appreciated will refer others to you. Once or even twice a year, hold a Patient Appreciation Party at a local "Corks N Canvas" where you invite a group of people...